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Sharpening & Restoration Services

Pricing Policy

The prices listed here apply to typical sharpening - what most people would describe as a "touch up". If your item is heavily worn and requires a great deal of grinding.  I will point this out when I take delivery so you are not surprised by an upcharge. A broken item requires re-shaping.  I will propose a new shape when I take delivery. Restorations and custom shaping are billed hourly.

Sharpening Services

Restoration Service

Restore Your Cherished Items

What is Tool Restoration?

The pieces I have restored are ones with sentimental value to my customers.  It might be an ax you inherited from a family member or just one of your favorite tools that could use some some cleaning and polishing. 


Tell me what level of restoration you want: sympathetic restoration, full (like new) restoration, or simple cleaning.


I charge $15 per hour for restoration services.


If your piece requires a specialized finish or replacement parts, there will be an upcharge.  I do not profit from third party purchases.

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